
Heartache remedy? Resolution attempt #2

Previously, I used to think that the term 'heartache' was a misnomer, since people of earlier times used to think that the heart was the seat of emotion rather than the brain. Now I realise that it actually does hurt your heart physically/physiologically. In infancy, you learnt to avoid pain Basic survival instinct/mechanism  You pull your hand away from the hot pan And cry in protest at the nurse's needle These, you do even now, yet Hold on to love while it rips you apart? Where are your defences when you need them? Where's 'reason' that you hold so highly? Oh, the rationalist when arguing on everything else! Aren't you the hypocrite that can't          reason your way out of this! Since you couldn't muster the courage to tell her Despite all the "this time I'll do it!" resolution Please try to forget for a while Lock it up in the basement of your mind  Until you turn less cowardly in will Please! Please! I beg of you! Do not let this ...

Starting a blog.

Since I am a novice at this, I guess my first blog post will be concerning my reasons for beginning this thing right here. A little more than a decade ago, I had tried to maintain a diary in which I would write down whatever there was in my mind that I wished to tell someone but couldn't bring myself to. Being quite a lonely child, this seemed to be a reasonable option at the time. I gave it a name and would have unilateral conversations with it every night. This didn't last for very long though, given how paranoid I was about it being discovered and the preconceived consequences that would have carried. Got rid of it. Pretty sure that diary has either made its way to a landfill or been recycled into new paper, with the words bleached out.  Which brings us to the title of this blog. I guess that part of me hasn't changed much since; as good as ever at burying many a word and thought. Only this time, the graveyard is digital. Moving with the times, you know! So yeah. That...